
Home KnowledgeTechnologyHigh thermal conductivity diamond heat sink for high power devices

High thermal conductivity diamond heat sink for high power devices


One of many remarkable properties of diamond is its unsurpassed thermal conductivity. With a value of 2000 W/mK it exceeds that of copper by a factor of five. In contrast to metals, where heat is conducted by electrons, lattice vibrations are responsible for diamond's high thermal conductivity.

For thermal management applications, the outstanding thermal conductivity and diffusivity of diamond is an essential. Nowadays CVD diamond is used as submounts for high-power integrated circuits and laser diodes.


We focus on the research and development and production of diamonds, and have been technologically precipitated for more than ten years. Currently, diamond heat sink, wafer-level diamonds, diamond metallization, diamond coatings (GaN), etc. Regarding heat dissipation solutions for high-power devices, we provide a comprehensive solution for new diamond heat dissipation materials.

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