Diamond is characterized by extremely highhardness, high thermal conductivity and chemical inertness. In addition, diamond iscomposed of carbon, alow Z (Z: atomicnumber) material, and is transparent to X-rays, which is essential for X-ray windows.
A CvD diamond window coated with a tungsten film is welded to a metal frame thatserves as an Xray transmission target orhigh-power X-ray anode, and the tungstenlayer is irradiated (bombarded) with a high-en-ergy electron beam to create a single-point X-ray source.
In this application, diamond plays two majorroles:one. diamond takes advantage of its ul.tra-high thermal conductivity to rapidly conduct heat out of the focusing area; two, diamond has a high transmittance and can beused as a window for the transmission of X-rays. Therefore, by placing the object unde!study very close to the X-ray point source high-resolution and high-magnification X-ray inspection can Be realized.
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