
Home KnowledgeTechnologyHigh thermal conductivity diamond wafer,heat dissipation killer!

High thermal conductivity diamond wafer,heat dissipation killer!


In recent years, with the increase in output power and reduction in device size of GaN based microwave power devices, heat dissipation has become one of the important factors restricting their reliability and stability. The heat generation and temperature rise during transistor operation, as well as the degradation of performance and reliability caused by temperature rise, have always been serious problems for all types and materials of transistors. Especially for GaN transistors, due to their higher output power and frequency compared to mainstream silicon transistors, it is necessary to develop effective heat dissipation methods.


Among the currently known natural substances, diamond has the highest thermal conductivity and is an indispensable heat dissipation material for preparing GaN based electronic devices. It has great potential for application in the heat dissipation of high-frequency, high-power AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors.


At present, there are mainly three ways to achieve GaN on Diamond structure: 1. bonding method; 2. Epitaxial growth of diamond on GaN epitaxial layers or HEMT devices; 3. Epitaxial growth of GaN devices on diamond substrates. Due to the significant lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch between GaN and diamond, the GaN on Diamond prepared by these three methods all face problems such as high stress, rough interface, and high thermal boundary resistance. Among them, the existence of interface thermal resistance concentrates heat at the interface between GaN and diamond, greatly affecting the reliability of the device.


In addition, polycrystalline diamond is expected to be applied in high-power heat sinks due to its strong heat dissipation, low cost, and large size. Polycrystalline diamond has high-performance advantages as a heat sink for high-power chips and electronic devices. In the future, with the increase in production and the decrease in cost, it is expected to be widely used in the field of semiconductor heat sinks.


At present, CSMH has achieved commercial mass production of 2-inch polycrystalline diamond, with core products including diamond heat sinks, diamond wafer, diamond windows, heterogeneous integrated composite substrates, as well as single crystal diamonds, AlN thin films, etc., vigorously promoting the application of diamond wafers in the field of heat dissipation, including aerospace, high-power lasers, new energy vehicles, radar, drones, etc.

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