
Home KnowledgeTechnologyA New Era of Wafers: Diamond Wafers

A New Era of Wafers: Diamond Wafers


Heat dissipation has emerged as the key limiting factor in making power electronics and RF power applications ever more efficient in everything from satellites, 5G base stations, electric cars, renewable energy generation and transmission, LIDARs, etc.

In fact, the typical heat flux in a GaN-on-SiC (gallium nitride semiconductor on silicon carbide wafer) RF power device for a 5G base station is as high as the heat flux at the surface of the sun!

Poor energy efficiency is one consequence of not being able to manage heat flux very well in state-of-the-art electronics. For example, even though the battery has the same capacity, a Tesla S goes twice the distance of an Audi eTron in part due to the use of more efficient, non-silicon power electronics used.

Diamond is the ultimate heat-flux substrate, shown now recently to greatly outperform silicon and SiC. In addition to being the ultimate heat-flux substrate, diamond as a semiconductor outperforms silicon by a factor of 23,000 times, GaN by a factor of 120, and SiC by a factor of 40 thanks to its unique material properties. As a result, diamond can rule high-power-density applications.

Diamond can directly be used as a semiconductor, replacing GaN and SiC semiconductors entirely.

Both lateral high-mobility Field-Effect Transistors on semi-insulating diamond substrates and vertical Schottky Barrier Diode devices on doped SCD substrates are being pursued forpower electronics applications devices also used for GaN and SiC semiconductors.

Where diamond semiconductor is uniquely positioned to corner the high-voltage, high-current power electronics market, similarly, diamond is uniquely positioned to replace vacuum tubes still common today in high-power wireless communication like broadcasing stations, communication satellites, and radar. None of the other semiconductors, like GaN, SiC, Si, GaAs, or InP are similarly suitable for high-power wireless communication.

CSMH is an advanced semiconductor manufacturing technology based joint venture company that produces high quality Diamond wafer and AlN template on various substrate including Si, sapphire, and polished diamond. Currently, we are providing high quality diamond wafer, diamond heat sink, GaN & Diamond wafer and PVD AlN template etc. We have strong R&D team and actively collaborate with best research group around the world.


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