
Home KnowledgeTechnologyThe application of diamond substrates in efficient heat dissipation perovskite lasers

The application of diamond substrates in efficient heat dissipation perovskite lasers


Efficient heat dissipation that can minimize temperature increases in device is critical in realizing electrical injection lasers. High-thermal-conductivity diamonds are promising for overcoming heat dissipation limitations for perovskite lasers.


Among all natural materials, the diamond substrate has the highest thermal conductivity (2400 W m−1 K−1), which has already been widely applied as an ideal heat spreader for high-powered electronics . However, it has never been employed for developing high-performance perovskite lasers. Moreover, the lower refractive index of diamond (~2.40) compared with silicon is beneficial for realizing a lower effective refractive index for the substrate and may enable better optical confinement while improving heat dissipation .


In this study, we demonstrate a perovskite nanoplatelet laser on a diamond substrate that can efficiently dissipate heat generated during optical pumping. The demonstrated laser features a Q factor of ~1962, a lasing threshold of 52.19 μJ cm−2, and a low pump-density-dependent temperature sensitivity (~0.56 ± 0.01 K cm2 μJ−1) through the incorporation of the diamond substrate.


Figure1 Schematic of a perovskite nanoplatelet laser on a diamond substrate with a SiO2 gap layer.


The result of the research confirmed that efficient heat management has been realized in perovskite lasers by utilizing a diamond substrate with high thermal conductivity. While efficient heat dissipation has been demonstrated under pulsed laser excitation in this study, utilization of high-thermal-conductivity diamond substrate to alleviate heat accumulation of perovskite lasers would also be effective in continuous wave excitation cases. We believe diamond could inspire the development of electrically driven perovskite lasers.


CSMH focuses on the research and production of diamond wafers, and currently has diamond wafer, diamond heat sink , GaN on diamond ,AIN on diamond and other products, providing diamond thermal management solutions for our customers.

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