
Home KnowledgeTechnology“elastic strain engineering” strategy based on microfabricated diamonds wafer

“elastic strain engineering” strategy based on microfabricated diamonds wafer


Diamond has an extraordinary combination of outstanding characteristics, making it an 'extreme' material highly desirable for various applications. Due to its well-known mechanical properties, in particular hardness, it is extensively used as an abrasive and tooling material in a wide variety of industrial applications, including indenters, grinding, cutting, drilling,polishing, honing, sharpening, lapping, sanding, and wire drawing tools, usually in high-stress conditions. Additionally, they are responsible for the ability of diamond anvil cells with diamond compacts for high-pressure, high-temperature research to apply materials to pressures found deep inside the Earth for various physical and geological studies. Besides these broad mechanical and structural applications, diamond serves as a road map for an unknown number of years in the development of power electronics and, more broadly,the whole microelectronics industry. Diamond semiconductors have attracted considerable interest in recent years as a possible alternative for high-power high-frequency electronics in the next-generation integrated circuits due to the ultrawide bandgap, ultra-high thermal conductivity[9], excellent dielectric breakdown field , long carrier lifetime, high saturation carrier velocity, and the highest electron and hole mobilities .Despite its outstanding features for electronics and photonic devices, considerable improvements are still anticipated since its present level is far lower.

Diamond’s operation lifespan is far shorter than projected, and it has remained at the fundamental research level for decades. Additionally, reproducible and large-scale manufacture of diamond crystals continues to be a challenge.This review begins with a brief summary of previous efforts to model and construct diamond-based high-voltage switching diodes, high-power/high-frequency field-effect transistors, MEMS/NEMS, and devices operating at high temperatures. Following that, this study will discuss recent developments to address scalable diamond device applications, emphasizing the synthesis of large-area, high-quality CVD diamond films and difficulties in diamond doping. Lastly, the study show potential solutions to modulate diamond’s electronic properties by the “elastic strain engineering” strategy, which sheds light on the future development of diamondbased electronics, photonics and quantum systems.


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CSMH focuses on the research and production of diamond wafers, and currently has diamond wafer, diamond heat sink , GaN on diamond ,AIN on diamond and other products, providing diamond thermal management solutions for our customers.

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