
Home KnowledgeTechnologyDiamond wafer is used for TR components

Diamond wafer is used for TR components


Diamond is the substance with the closest arrangement of atoms in nature, and it possesses outstanding  thermal properties. In particular, the ultra-high thermal  conductivity is one of the many extraordinary properties of diamond  . The thermal conductivity of  single crystal diamond at room temperature is as high  as 2200W/(m·K), five times that of copper and ten times  that of aluminum. In addition, diamond possesses an  extremely high hardness, high elastic modulus, low  thermal expansion coefficient, low density, outstanding  radiation resistance, and stable physical and chemical  properties. Furthermore, it exhibits low mass loss in a  vacuum and produces no condensable volatiles. Thus,  it is an ideal material for aerospace applications.  Synthetic diamonds have attracted enthusiastic attention for applications in high-power lasers, high-power  traveling-wave tubes, terahertz antennas, heat dissipation in high heat flux GaN chips, high-performance  radiation detectors, and high-power microwave windows. Application research has been carried out in some  of these areas  . Over the past 30 years, the  research on synthetic diamonds in China has achieved  meaningful progress in some technical fields  .  There are mainly three methods for fabricating large size synthetic diamonds: hot filament chemical vapor  deposition (CVD), direct current (DC) plasma jet CVD,  and microwave plasma CVD. The hot filament CVD  method dissociates H2 and CH4 at high temperatures  by heating and deposits carbon elements. The DC  plasma jet CVD method and the microwave plasma  CVD method rely on the high temperature of the plasma  or charged particles (electrons and ions) that collide  with the molecules and atoms of H2 and CH4 to excite  the precursor gases and deposit carbon elements to  form a diamond structure. The hot filament CVD  method can fabricate diamond discs with 180mm  diameters and 2mm thicknesses, but it can hardly  achieve materials thermal conductivities beyond  1000W/(m·K) under fast growth condition. The  microwave plasma CVD method can fabricate  high-quality single-crystal diamonds with thermal conductivities of more than 2000W/(m·K), but the diamonds are small in size (< Ø70mm) and too expensive.  The DC plasma jet CVD method can fabricate  high-quality polycrystalline diamonds with thermal  conductivities of up to 2000W/(m·K) at a moderate  price. Based on the requirements of the satellite  in terms of product size, thermal conductivity, and  batch production capacity, the high-thermal-conductivity diamond investigated in this article was developed  by the DC plasma jet CVD method. 

The temperatures of RF chips and electronic devices on  a phased array antenna are closely related to the reliability and electrical performance. The failure rate of the  microwave RF components in the T/R module increases  exponentially with the increase in temperature, and the  electrical performance of the microwave RF components  deteriorates as the temperature rises. In addition, the  phase of the transceiver component on the phased array  antenna is affected by the temperature. To ensure phase  control of the entire antenna array, the temperature consistency of microwave radio array is strictly required. To  ensure that the antenna can function normally in orbit  for a long time during its full lifespan, it is necessary to  maintain the operating temperature of the antenna with  a thermal control design. The temperature requirements  of the satellite Ka phased array antenna are mainly the  following: ① the temperature of the T/R module and  other RF modules ranges from −10 to 50 °C, and ② the  temperature gradient of all T/R modules is ≤10 °C.



High-thermal-conductivity diamond plates were  embedded on the front and back sides of the frame  structure of each transceiver component of the antenna  in Figure 1. The diamond plate was installed on every  antenna. The diamond film was fabricated by the DC  arc plasma CVD method and cut by a high-power  laser, simultaneously making several performance test  samples from the original film. The surface roughness and flatness of the diamond films were controlled  within an effective and reasonable range by polishing  

The diamond plate was embedded in a aluminum  frame of the transceiver component, with the interface  filled with conductive epoxy adhesive that was later  cured at a high temperature. The height difference  between the secured diamond plate and the frame of the  transceiver component was less than 100μm to satisfy  the high-precision assembly design. A higher filling rate  that ensured good heat transfer between the T/R module  and the heat transfer interface of the diamond film was  obtained by filling the installation interface between the  T/R module and the diamond film with a conductive  epoxy adhesive at a lower curing temperature. The  abovementioned design enabled the accumulated heat  of the T/R module to diffuse quickly through the diamond film to the entire transceiver frame, reducing the  temperature gradients of the T/R modules. To improve  the electrical conductivity between the T/R module and  frame, gold was coated on the surface of diamond film  by controlled sputtering. Thus, the surface of insulating  diamond film could be electrically conductive while the  binding force between the conductive adhesive and the  diamond film was enhanced.

CSMH has a world-class diamond manufacturing capability, and currently produces diamond wafers, diamond heat sink, diamond-based gallium nitride and other products in mass production.

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