
Home KnowledgeTechnologySAW Resonators and Filters Based on Sc0.43Al0.57N on Diamond Wafer

SAW Resonators and Filters Based on Sc0.43Al0.57N on Diamond Wafer


The massive data transfer rates of nowadays mobile communication technologies demand devices with outstanding electric performances and stability in a wide range of conditions. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices provide a high Q factor and properties inherent to the employed materials: thermal and chemical stability or low propagation losses. SAW resonators and filters based on Sc0.43Al0.57N synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering on single crystal and polycrystalline diamond substrates were fabricated and evaluated. Our SAW resonators showed high electromechanical coupling coefficients for the Rayleigh and Sezawa modes, propagating at 1.2 GHz and 2.3 GHz, respectively. Finally, SAW filters were fabricated on Sc0.43Al0.57N/ diamond heterostructures, with working frequencies above 4.7 GHz and ~200 MHz bandwidths, confirming that these devices are promising candidates for developing 5G technology.

Here, SAW devices were fabricated with Sc0.43Al0.57N/ diamond-based heterostructures. Highly c-axis oriented Sc0.43Al0.57N thin films were synthesized on poly-crystalline and single crystal diamond substrates. The electroacoustic properties of these layered structures were assessed. From the 1-port resonators, the effective electromechanical coupling coefficients (Ke) and effective propagation velocities were extracted. Finally, SAW filters working at frequencies above 4.70 GHz are presented.

Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd is an advanced semiconductor manufacturing technology based joint venture company invested from the Korea, China and Singapore, registered in the city of Xiamen, China. We have equipped with advanced semiconductor manufacturing tools including MPCVD, MOCVD, LPCVD, HVPE and high temperature PVD to produce high quality diamond heat sinkdiamond wafer and AlN template on various substrate including Si, sapphire, and polished diamond. Our mission is to be the most advanced compound semiconductor company in the global market, contributing to the related technology development. We have strong R&D team and actively collaborate with best research group around the world. Currently, we are providing the thermal grade polycrystalline diamond, which can be used as an effective heat sink aims to solve the heat issue in temperature sensitive device, such as power devices, lasers and avalanche photodiodes etc. We also provides wafer scale polished diamond with sub-nanometer RMS surface roughness, which might be suitable for the integration of GaN, GaO and AlN epilayers and devices on Diamond via direct bonding or heteoepitaxy.


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