
Home KnowledgeTechnologyDiamond heat sink is the best heat dissipation material

Diamond heat sink is the best heat dissipation material


Electronic Warfare device has an issue of electronic over heating which can damage the
entire set up. Hence, the heat dissipation is eminent. With the increase in heat
dissipation from microelectronic devices and the reduction in overall form factors,
thermal management becomes a more and more important element of electronic
product design. Both the performance reliability and life expectancy of electronic
equipment are inversely related to the component temperature of the equipment. Long
life and reliable performance of a component may be achieved by effectively
controlling the device operating temperature within the limits set by the device design
engineers. Heat sinks are devices that enhance heat dissipation from a hot surface,
usually the case of a heat generating component, to a cooler ambient, usually air.

The most common heat sink materials are aluminum alloys. Aluminium alloy 1050A has
one of the higher thermal conductivity values at 229 W/m.K but is mechanically soft.
Aluminium alloys 6060 and 6063 are commonly used, with thermal conductivity values
of 166 and 201 W/m.K, respectively. The values depend on the temper of the alloy.

Copper has around twice the conductivity of aluminium, but is three times as dense
and, depending on the market, around four to six times more expensive than
aluminium. Aluminium can be extruded, but copper cannot. Copper heat sinks are
machined and skived. Another method of manufacture is to

solder the fins into the heat sink base. The high temperatures, decreases the life span of
the component, & might even cause permanent damage to the equipment. Hence, it
becomes necessary to manage the thermal issues by designing suitable heat sinks, such
that the power is efficiently dissipated.

Diamond is another heat sink material, and diamond heat sink thermal conductivity of 2000 W/m.K
exceeds copper five-fold. In contrast to metals, where heat is conducted by delocalized
electrons, lattice vibrations are responsible for diamond's very high thermal
conductivity. For thermal management applications, the outstanding thermal
conductivity and diffusivity of diamond is an essential. Nowadays synthetic diamond is
used as sub mounts for high-power integrated circuits and laser diodes.

Composite materials can be used. Examples are a copper- tungsten pseudo alloy, AlSiC
(silicon carbide in aluminium matrix), Dym alloy (diamond in copper-silver alloy matrix),
and E-Material (beryllium oxide in beryllium matrix). Such materials are often used as
substrates for chips, as their thermal expansion coefficient can be matched to ceramics
and semiconductors.


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